Clinic News
July updates
- Pilates equipment classes: New class added on the Wednesday. Email us if you would like to join our equipment classes or for more information.
- Remedial Massage Therapy with Tony is available on Saturdays. - Make an appointment here!
- Podiatry is available with Tremayne Porter on Fridays in the clinic. You can book online via his website
- Online consults will remain available for those who are not able to or would prefer not to come in person- Make an appointment here!
In response to the Covid 19 pandemic, we have further tightened our infection control measures from their usual high standards. We have always had hand sanitiser gel in our rooms, but now ask that all patients use this gel on entry to the clinic. There is a bottle at the front door and on the front counter.
We are still encouraging all patients entering our clinic to wear a mask to ensure the safety of all within our clinic.
Further, and most importantly, if you have an appointment and feel unwell, we ask that you not attend the clinic. Our usual 24 hr cancellation fee will be waived in cases of respiratory illness.
We have and will maintain increased wipe down of all surfaces, door handles and equipment in order to sanitise all passive surfaces.
If our staff feel unwell from respiratory illness, we have asked them to not attend the clinic, and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
We ALWAYS wash our hands between every patient so this will not change. Our Physios will continue to wear masks during your treatment sessions.
We hope these measures will ensure our clinic is a safe place to have your physiotherapy issues cared for and we will update you should there be any change to these measures.
Thanks, from the Annandale Physiotherapy Team.
Remember- Physiotherapy is an essential service so we will remain open to provide in clinic services for those who need it.
We will continue to montior all regulations and restrictions and strive to keep everyone safe.
Keep up to date with our socials! ;
Follow us @annandalephysio ;on Instagram and on Facebook!
Feedback welcome!
We are constanly trying to improve our services and would love to hear from you- let us know if you have enjoyed your experience/ what you love about our Physios with a Google review or Facebook review.
We appreaciate any feedback and would love your support!